Page 21 - Our important book
P. 21

he Important Thing about Jessica is that she

                                    T is a MOMMA BEAR. Jessica is HONEST and

                                                   STRONG and some say a TOUGH NUT
                                                     to crack. This lady TELLS IT TO YOU

                                                     STRAIGHT, and is FORTHCOMING.

                                                              She is also FRIENDLY and

                                                     CHEERFUL, and always LAUGHING.
                                                   Jessica WORKS HARD and brings to the

                                                             Team a NEW, DIVERSE and

                                                         YOUTHFUL OUTLOOK on many
                                                     situations. She also brings Sophia Grace

                                                           to the office, which has been an

                                                              incredible GIFT.  Jessica and
                                                            DaddyBear, Ramon, have been

                                                        GRACIOUS to share their bundle of

                                     JOY with us. Jessica’s background of TEACHING
                                        reflects her NURTURING side. Jessica speaks

                                     several LANGUAGES, which is INVALUABLE to

                                      our Team. But the Important Thing about Jessica

                                                    is that she is MOMMA BEAR.
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