Page 23 - Our important book
P. 23

he Important Thing about Marian is that
        T she is the BRINGER OF SNACKS. Her

            recipes are THE BOMB. You can always

          count on her for COFFEE. Marian is full of
                 ENERGY, HARDWORKING, and

                    ENERGETIC. But her work is

           METICULOUS, and she is PERSISTENT.

            She takes on challenges like a CHAMP.
            Marian is incredibly KIND, she is NICE

         and CALM, and always GENTLE. Her Team

        finds her AGREEABLE and HELPFUL, which
           makes her a CHAMPION TEAMPLAYER.

           She is our LITTLE RED WAGON, always

         RELIABLE. You can almost hear the waves on the beaches of HAWAII
            in her office. She is David’s everything, an adoring Grandma, and

          she raised an award winning photographer. But the Important Thing

                    about Marian is that she is the BRINGER OF SNACKS.
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