Page 39 - Westmounter_FallWinter2020_Digitalv2[Oct2_2020]
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The Westmounter

 wine, wellness

 & more


 new wines. Due to the popularity of these, we will
 continue to offer more wine tastings with Marshall.
 Watch the weekly e-newsletter and our website for
 future dates.


 We are excited to launch our Tutoring Program   Over the warmer months, we introduced some new   9:30 a.m. Strength & Tone with Michelle Harlock
 this fall. Find our Tutor Profile list on our website; it   Outdoor Wellness opportunities. Our Stroller Fit classes
 features members from Team Westmount. Within each   were very popular. It was great to see so many young   10:00 a.m. Yoga with Andrea Wingelaar
 profile, you can view their education background, tutor   families taking advantage of the gorgeous weather and   WEDNESDAYS
 experience, grade levels, availability and pay rate.   beautiful scenery. Members were also able to enjoy
          the beautiful setting our club offers during morning   9:30 a.m. Low Impact Aerobic with Michelle Harlock
 Members can contact tutors directly to inquire about
 their services, as well as to book private sessions. If you   yoga sessions. We look forward to continuing these   9:30 a.m. Strength & Stretch with Christina Schill
    wish to arrange for your session to be held in a private   programs in 2021.
 FALL EVENTS                                                    7:00 p.m. Yoga with Christina Schill
 space at the Club, we would be happy help. If you have   For fall and winter, we are excited to introduce several
 October 31 & November 1         any questions regarding this program, please contact   new classes, a mix of in-person and virtual, beginning   FRIDAYS

 Halloween Haunted Drive Through   Dorothy Gilchrist at   the week of October 13th. Find registration details for   9:30 a.m. Body Sculpting with Michelle Harlock
 519-744-1041 x 258.  all classes on our website through the online booking
 November 7     CHRISTMAS BRUNCHES  calendar.

 Stock Your Cellar Event
 Although we will not be able to host our traditional
 Christmas brunches this year due to the pandemic,
 our F&B team is working hard to put together some
 Christmas Meal Packages that you and your families
 Our bi-weekly wine tastings have been a hit   can enjoy and celebrate the festive season at home,
 with members. These intimate gatherings allow   while still experiencing the special Westmount touch.
 members to socialize safely while enjoying some

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