Page 8 - Info Magazine nr 16 february march 2021
P. 8
An Interview with a Class Band Teacher!
Teacher's name: Giulia Cacciavillani
Name Country: Italia
Name city: Ovada
Name School: Civica Scuola di musica “A. Rebora”
Why are you a Yamaha class band teacher?
Nine years ago I read on a brochure about ClassBand (named Orchestrando), so I received con-
tacts with Yamaha and after a few months I started a ClassBand in the local band. The first class
was a success, but I couldn’t do all by myself so I moved the ClassBand into a big music school
(Rebora music school), where there are teachers with all the instruments.
How old are the students you work with in your Yamaha class band?
Students are between 8 - 12 years old.
How is your Yamaha class band classified in the school?
My Yamaha ClassBand is in a private music school, so families bring kids for their lessons in the
afternoon after school. Usually they start playing an instrument in the ClassBand and after one
year they can also choose to add individual lessons.
How is your class structured?
Students can choose between the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone and euphonium;
the school provides instruments for the first year.
The class starts with a warm up with long notes, breathing and technique exercises, then we
divide the group and I work with woodwinds and another teacher helps with brass to focus on
their instruments, with specific material like duets or trios.
Finally the fun part of the lesson, we play all together exercises with the backing tracks or songs
like famous movie soundtracks.
What method do you use and how do you apply it?
Essential Elements is a great method for ClassBand, it gives many opportunities to teach mu-
sic. Students are very happy to play along with the backing tracks, and I also use the additional
duets and trios in the online resources.
The “performance spotlight“ pages are perfect for the first performances, and the book introdu-
ces new notes and rhythmic patterns very gradually.
What additional material do you use?
I use different books related to The Essential Elements like Movie and Christmas Favorites. I
also write different arrangements for special occasions, and some friends write music for our