Page 11 - Info magazine Strings Class nr 1 March 2021
P. 11

Only one new concept is introduced at a time.
         The pacing encourages student mastery without
         excessive repetition. You can move from line to
         line quickly within each class. Students master
         quarter notes, then move to eighth, half, dot-
         ted-half, and whole notes.

         New concepts are presented in familiar keys and
         rhythms. These skills are integrated in shaded
         sections called Skill Builders to combine rhy-
         thms, pitches and bowings into comprehensive
         exercises to develop solid technique.

                                                          It's all right in each student book, correlated with
                                                          the music and concepts they are currently learn-
                                                          ing. This is by far the most efficient way to meet
                                                          the National Standards, integrate other subjects
                                                          into the music curriculum, and still teach the es-
                                                          sentials of music performance.
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