Page 16 - Info magazine Strings Class nr 1 March 2021
P. 16

The Strings Class                                     it is a two-year project in which the children go
                                                              through a learning process both individually
        Irene van den Heuvel, teacher Strings Class           and in class. How special it is to enter such a
        In a period when music teachers like myself           totally open-minded class, to let them try out
        had to broaden their teaching range, we also          the various string instruments (cello, viola and
        started working in primary schools. And as a          violin) and then to give them the choice! And
        cellist, I received refresher training in didactics   then to give them an instrument to take home
        for groups and classes at the Centre of Arts Tri-     the following week! They are so proud!
        ade (Den Helder), with which I am associated.         Playing together as a class for an hour every
        As a cello teacher I was and am always looking        week on the three different string instruments,
        for various possibilities to play together in all     and in between every three weeks a separate
        kinds of contexts.                                    lesson group with only your own instrument - it
        Group lessons in schools were part of the di-         brings them to a higher level faster than you
        dactics in which I had little experience at that      think.  And regularly  performing  together  for
        time, but which I was interested in. After the first   parents and others speeds up the learning cur-
        experiences with lessons in primary schools, I        ve considerably!
        got the taste for it and looked for possibilities     Playing together like this for two years and re-
        and challenges in the area of teaching stringed       ally taking every pupil with you: that is an ad-
        instruments in primary schools.                       ded value that I heartily wish for every child
        From that interest I came into contact with           and heartily recommend to every school. After
        group projects and educational activities in the      two years, every child can really play something
        Netherlands and that is how I got to know the         on his/her instrument and produce a beautiful
        Class Band.  This method immediately appea-           pre-sentation as a group. Many subjects have
        led to me. I oriented myself on the presence          then been worked on, such as musical qualities
        of a strings class...but this did not yet exist in    and social-emotional development.
        the Netherlands. I first came across the term         For me, this was the beginning of a new deve-
        strings  class  as a  form  of ensemble  playing      lopment.
        for beginning students at a music school. But         Playing together has a strong socialising effect
        that had nothing to do with a string class at a       on the class feeling. That's why I think it's so
        primary school! At that time, I discovered that       important that you take every child with you
        there were already 180 Class Bands in primary         and don't allow them to do anything else, even
        schools in the Netherlands but no strings class       if they have a 'backpack'.
        yet. I soon came into contact with Vincent de         After the first Strings Class, more followed. Pri-
        Leur, who enthused me to start, after which           mary schools differ in their curricula and the
        further steps followed.                               presence or absence of a musical learning line.
        Instruments I was able to purchase with the           As a string teacher you adjust to this.
        help of Triade in the spring of 2016. A school
        was found to run a pilot of 6 weeks. This proved
        to  be an  immediate  success!  This  paved  the
        way to start a Strings Class at the same school
        from the new school year. A violin and viola tea-
        cher were quickly found and so the string team
        was ready to go.
        What is the strength of the Strings Class? That
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