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                88). A great effort was made by Alex Heard (Cape Cod) and Guy Biscoe (Cape Town) to join, but, sadly, Tom Jones (St A 89) could not be tracked down, despite the best efforts of an extended group, so the team was one short. The introduction of a team WhatsApp group showed that little had changed in 30 years, with all immediately giving each other a hard time about a wide range of topics. It also allowed the sharing of some historic photos that showed some worrying 80s dress sense and hair styles. Remarkably, some School blazers still fitted, although others had cheated with new replica jackets acquired since leaving! Over lunch in the car park the VIII was recreated and photos taken to record the event. Following lunch, they were pleased to track down Vic Northwood, rugby/rowing coach/Housemaster to many of the team, in the Stewards’ Enclosure. Vic did an excellent job of recognising most, if not all, of the team. Many promises were made about getting back together in a boat and rowing the Henley course in the coming years, with or without the permission of the course officials! The
Matthew Thornton (St A 97), Jon Cope (B 97) and Matthew Simmonds (St A 97) (plus two interlopers from Shrewsbury and Sevenoaks) after conquering seven Munros in a day
 challenge is now on to see if a boat can be found that is both large enough to carry the crew, but also small enough to fit on the Thames! Wives also joined in and were able to put faces to names that they had heard many stories about. Hugo hopes that this will become a regular gathering. Hugo has also enjoyed getting back in contact with Ed West (C 88) after a few years. As well as catching up, there has been the opportunity to work together, with Ed coming in to assist with the development of the presentation and communication skills of some of Hugo’s teams. Ed has certainly not lost any of his energy and enthusiasm, and
has gained some great skills over the years.
Bruno Noble (N 79) retired from work early in order to write a novel and A Thing of the Moment was published by Unbound in June this year. However, as Bruno is a 57-year old first-time author with “no social media presence”, they are leaving any promotion of the book to him! Therefore, he points out that it is available via Waterstones, Foyles, Daunt, Amazon, etc and there is also more information on his Unbound page, which is: the-moment/.
Friday 8th February 2019 Monday 6th May 2019
                           Call or email Ms Lesley Taylor, Registrar
T: 01832 277159
An inspiring independent co-educational day school for children aged 4-11 years.
  THE OLD OUNDELIAN 2017 –2018

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