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2025 Triumph Thruxton 400 Spied
Undisguised Ahead of Launch
In the world of motorcycling, the motorcycling. Named after the While the spy shots of the
Triumph Thruxton has long been a Thruxton Circuit in Hampshire, Thruxton 400 remain somewhat
name associated with classic England, the Thruxton was first limited, they give a clear indication
British style and a performance- introduced in 2004 as a part of the of what the new bike will look like.
oriented riding experience. The Triumph Bonneville lineup. The As expected, the Thruxton 400
Thruxton range, in particular, has bike was designed to pay homage retains the classic cafe racer
earned its place in the hearts of to the cafe racer culture of the s t y l i n g t h a t h a s b e c o m e
cafe racer enthusiasts due to its 1960s and to capture the spirit of synonymous with the Thruxton
beautiful design, impressive the Bonneville's racing history. range. The bike features the same
performance, and unmatched With its retro styling, high- retro-inspired aesthetic, including
legacy. Recently, anticipation has performance engine, and robust the iconic round headlamp,
b e e n b u i l d i n g w i t h i n t h e chassis, the Thruxton quickly minimalist bodywork, and sleek
motorcycling community after the gained a loyal following. The lines that evoke the golden age of
2025 Triumph Thruxton 400 was Thruxton R, launched in 2016, British motorcycling.
spotted undisguised on test ahead raised the bar with premium The Thruxton 400 will maintain its
of its official launch. This spy shot components, including fully café racer appeal with a compact
has ignited excitement and adjustable Ohlins suspension, design, drawing inspiration from
curiosity, leaving many to Brembo brakes, and a more the larger Thruxton models while
speculate about the new bike's powerful 1200cc parallel-twin catering to the more compact form
features, specifications, and how it engine. The Thruxton R became a required for the smaller engine.
will fit into the brand's ever- favorite among serious riders and The smaller engine and shorter
expanding lineup.
collectors alike, solidifying frame will result in a bike that looks
The Triumph Thruxton 400 will Triumph's reputation for producing more agile, lightweight, and
mark a new chapter in the motorcycles that combine classic a p p r o a c h a b l e , w i t h o u t
Thruxton family, introducing a a e s t h e t i c s w i t h m o d e r n compromising on the premium
smaller capacity engine that engineering. look and fe
promises to attract a new The Thruxton range has continued el that Triumph is known for.
generation of riders. As Triumph's to evolve with the times, offering a
first foray into the 400cc segment, balance of nostalgia and cutting- Engine and Performance
this new offering will sit between e d g e p e r f o r m a n c e . T h e The 2025 Thruxton 400 will
the entry-level models and the full- introduction of the Thruxton 400 is feature a liquid-cooled, single-
sized Thruxton R, filling a crucial a strategic move by Triumph to tap cylinder, 400cc engine. This
gap in the market. While many into a broader market, offering a engine is expected to deliver a
details are still under wraps, the more accessible motorcycle that power output in the range of 35-40
latest spy shots and reports retains the iconic Thruxton styling horsepower, making it more
provide a tantalizing preview of and performance but with a approachable for new riders or
what we can expect from this smaller engine that appeals to those looking for a middleweight
exciting new addition to the British newer riders and those looking for bike that is easy to handle without
manufacturer's range. sacrificing performance. This
a more manageable bike for
In this article, we will explore the everyday use. engine will be paired with a six-
design, technical details, features, A New Direction: The speed gearbox, providing smooth
and expectations surrounding the shifting and enough power to
2025 Triumph Thruxton 400. From Thruxton 400 make the bike a thrill to ride,
the implications of the bike's The 2025 Triumph Thruxton 400 is whether on twisty backroads or
smaller engine size to its role in a significant departure from the city streets.
expanding Triumph's appeal, we traditional Thruxton models in The Thruxton 400 will likely
will take a deep dive into the bike's terms of engine size. Triumph has feature an advanced fuel injection
potential and the significance of its been known for its larger system, ensuring efficient fuel
arrival. displacement engines, but the d e l i v e r y a n d c o n s i s t e n t
new Thruxton 400 will utilize a performance. The exhaust system
The Thruxton Legacy
smaller 400cc engine, opening up will be compact and sport-
Before diving into the specifics of the Thruxton family to a wider focused, complementing the
the new Thruxton 400, it's audience, particularly in markets overall design of the bike. With the
important to understand the where mid-size motorcycles are lighter engine and frame, the
legacy of the Thruxton name and more popular. Thruxton 400 will likely weigh
why it holds such an esteemed Design and Styling significantly less than its larger
p o s i t i o n i n t h e w o r l d o f counterparts, contributing to its
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 09 January 2025