Page 44 - Jan Edition 2025_Neat
P. 44
The Kawasaki W800 Maverick: A Modern Classic
with a Rebel Spirit
We’ve not heard much from them as of late, but the folks over at Shif Custom have
certainly left their mark on the European bike-modding scene. Based in Minsk, Belarus,
the shop has countless projects worth inspecting closely in its repertoire, all pieced
together under the leadership of Yuri Shif. He’s been killing the customization game since
2002 and constantly taking things to a new level as time went by.
n the world of motorcycles, choice for those who appreciated change not only enhances the
there is something timeless and vintage motorcycles but wanted visual appeal but also contributes
Ienduring about certain models the convenience and reliability of to a slightly more utilitarian look
that manage to capture the hearts modern engineering. that gives the bike a sense of
and imaginations of riders. The The W800 Maverick is a more ruggedness and individuality. The
Kawasaki W800 Maverick is one recent development in the W engine, with its air-cooled, 773cc
such motorcycle. As part of the W series lineup. Building upon the parallel-twin setup, is showcased
series, a name that evokes the foundation laid by the W800, the in the W800 Maverick in a beautiful
nostalgic charm of classic British Maverick edition brings a blacked-out finish, adding a sleek
bikes, the W800 Maverick stands distinctive flair with updated and modern vibe to the overall
as a modern interpretation of retro styling, improved features, and aesthetic.
styling mixed with contemporary even more performance-oriented The addition of modern LED
technology. With its vintage- elements. lighting is another key difference
inspired looks and powerful between the W800 Maverick and
engine, the W800 Maverick has Design and Styling: A Nod its predecessors. The headlamp,
carved out a niche for itself in the to the Past, with a Rebel taillight, and turn signals all use
motorcycle world, appealing to Twist LED technology, which not only
enthusiasts who want a blend of improves visibility but also
heritage and performance. One of the standout features of the contributes to a more modern look.
Kawasaki W800 Maverick is its These updates don't overshadow
T h e L e g a c y o f t h e design. It takes inspiration from the the bike's vintage appeal; instead,
Kawasaki W Series retro-styling of the original W1 and they complement it, enhancing the
W800 models, but it introduces
Before diving into the specific overall package
features and performance of the some fresh elements that set it
Kawasaki W800 Maverick, it's apart from its predecessors. The Attention to Detail
result is a bike that feels both
important to understand the One of the trademarks of the
history and legacy of the W series. familiar and fresh at the same time, Kawasaki W800 Maverick is the
The W800 is part of a lineage that b l e n d i n g n o s t a l g i a w i t h attention to detail. From the
d a t e s b a c k t o t h e 1 9 6 0 s . contemporary sensibilities. bespoke graphics on the tank to
Kawasaki's first W model was the C l a s s i c S t y l i n g w i t h the carefully chosen color
W1, introduced in 1966. The W1 Modern Flourishes schemes, the Maverick edition
was designed to compete with the speaks to the desires of a rider
British twins of the time, such as The W800 Maverick retains the who values craftsmanship and
the Triumph Bonneville and BSA classic lines of the W800, featuring style. The leather seat with
Gold Star. It was a bold attempt to a steel double cradle frame, contrasting stitching offers a
bring a reliable and affordable rounded fuel tank, and simple yet comfortable and stylish perch for
twin-cylinder motorcycle to the effective bodywork. The round the rider, while the bar-end mirrors
market, and although it had its headlamp, twin shock rear add to the motorcycle's rebellious,
shortcomings, it was an important suspension, and minimalist front custom look.
step in Kawasaki's evolution as a fender all evoke the aesthetic of a
motorcycle manufacturer. bygone era when motorcycles Additionally, the Kawasaki W800
were defined by their clean lines Maverick offers an aesthetic
K a w a s a k i r e v i v e d t h e W and functional designs. However, b a l a n c e b e t w e e n r a w
nameplate in 2011 with the the Maverick edition introduces p e r f o r m a n c e a n d r e fi n e d
introduction of the W800. This several unique touches that give elegance. The spoked wheels, for
modern incarnation kept the retro the bike a bit of a rebellious edge, example, are classic in their
aesthetic intact, with a parallel- hence the name "Maverick." appearance but feature tubeless
twin engine, a round headlamp, tires, ensuring the rider gets the
and a classic design reminiscent of For instance, the fuel tank of the best of both worlds—vintage
1960s and 1970s motorcycles. Maverick features a unique matte styling with modern convenience.
The W800 was initially well- finish, which sets it apart from the
received, and it became a beloved standard gloss paint jobs on other
motorcycles. This subtle design
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 09 January 2025