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tight-knit community where term "First Lady" can sometimes contributions to the motorcycle
everyone was welcome. The club be seen as merely a ceremonial community was her advocacy for
quickly grew, and its identity was role, for Barbara, it was an active, women in the club and beyond. At
shaped by the shared values of dynamic position in which she a time when many motorcycle
brotherhood, respect, and loyalty. t o o k o n n u m e r o u s clubs were male-centric, Barbara
Barbara, even before she became responsibilities. pushed for a more inclusive
the "First Lady," was involved with environment, where women could
the club from the start. Her Barbara's role was crucial in participate fully in the culture and
organizational skills, positive balancing the traditionally the events without feeling
energy, and enthusiasm for the masculine environment of the marginalized.
club's activities made her an motorcycle club with her own
important figure in the early days personal strengths. She was often Her leadership extended to
of Scream MCC. the glue that held the club encouraging more women to get
together, mediating between involved in motorcycling, not just
But it wasn't just about being the members, organizing charity as passengers but as riders in
partner of a club member—it was events, planning club functions, their own right. She played an
about Barbara's genuine love for and even helping manage the active role in promoting women's
the lifestyle and the people who club's day-to-day activities. She involvement in motorcycle events,
came with it. was not just a figurehead but a riding schools, and bike culture in
true partner to the club's general. For Barbara, it was
As Scream MCC began to take leadership team. important that women not only be
off, Barbara's role became more welcomed but also be given the
prominent. She became known as Her involvement in organizing opportunities to thrive in what was
someone who wasn't just there for club events—whether charity traditionally considered a male-
moral support, but as a leader in rides, fundraisers, or social dominated world.
her own right. While many gatherings—was invaluable.
motorcycle clubs are male- Barbara had a keen eye for detail Barbara's advocacy extended
dominated, Barbara showed that and knew how to make sure that beyond the confines of Scream
women could play just as pivotal a every event ran smoothly. MCC. She became a prominent
role in the community, shaping the Whether it was handling logistics, voice in the South African
identity and culture of the club. ensuring that club members were m o t o r c y c l e c o m m u n i t y,
safe and comfortable, or working encouraging and supporting
She was instrumental in ensuring with local businesses to build women's rights to ride, race, and
that Scream MCC wasn't just a p a r t n e r s h i p s , B a r b a r a ' s take part in the motorcycling
place for bikers to meet and organizational talents shone lifestyle. Through her, many
ride—it became a family. through. women found the courage to join
Barbara's innate ability to bring clubs, start their own riding
people together, organize events, But it wasn't just about running journeys, and become leaders
a n d f o s t e r a w e l c o m i n g events—Barbara also served as a within the scene..
atmosphere helped Scream MCC mentor and role model for the
become the force it is today. She women in the club and the wider Scream MCC and the Legacy of
wasn't just the "First Lady" by title; motorcycle community. In a world Brotherhood
she was a foundational part of the where women in the motorcycle The true essence of Scream MCC
club's ethos, contributing both to scene are still often in the minority, is its unwavering sense of
its operations and its spirit Barbara became a symbol of brotherhood, and Barbara Naudé
strength and empowerment. She has been integral to fostering that
proved that a woman could hold a spirit. She embodied the values of
The Role of the "First Lady" in l e a d e r s h i p p o s i t i o n i n a loyalty, respect, and family,
Scream MCC predominantly male environment ensuring that every member of
The title of "First Lady" in a without compromising her Scream MCC, regardless of
motorcycle club often carries with femininity, integrity, or passion. gender, felt valued and important.
it a certain level of reverence and The club's motto of "ride for the
respect. For Scream MCC, Leadership and Advocacy for brotherhood" wasn't just about the
Barbara Naudé embodied this Women in the Motorcycle men—it was a sentiment that
role in a way that went far beyond Community included everyone, thanks to
traditional expectations. While the One of Barbara's most significant Barbara's influence.
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 10 February 2025