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**LHR Motorcycle                    This month, we also take                p u b l i c a t i o n — i t ’ s   a
         Magazine – February                   a closer look at some of                community,  and  we’re
            Edition: Editor’s                  the most anticipated bike               proud to have you as part
         Welcome Message**                     m o d e l s   f o r   2 0 2 5 ,         of it.
                                               uncovering what’s new in
                                               t e r m s   o f   d e s i g n ,
       G r e e t i n g s ,   f e l l o w       p e r f o r m a n c e ,   a n d         So, buckle up, throttle up,
       motorcycle enthusiasts!                 technology.  We're  also                and enjoy the ride as we

                                               s h o w c a s i n g   s o m e           take you through another
       Welcome to the February                 standout  custom  builds                month  of  motorcycle
                                                                                       passion,  culture,  and
       e d i t i o n   o f   * * L H R         from local riders, proving              adventure. Thank you for
       M o t o r c y c l e                     that  innovation  and                   being  with  us—here’s  to
       Magazine**—a  month                     personal  expression  are               many  more  exhilarating
       that  promises  to  rev  up             at  the  heart  of  the                 miles ahead!
       your passion for all things             motorcycling world.
       two-wheeled. As the days
       grow longer and the open                I n   a d d i t i o n ,   w e ’ r e     Happy riding!
       road  beckons,  we’re                   honored  to  highlight
       thrilled  to  bring  you  a             stories  of  camaraderie,
       fresh  batch  of  content               charity,  and  community                L H R   M o t o r c y c l e
       that’s sure to ignite your              i m p a c t   w i t h i n   t h e       Magazine**
       sense  of  adventure,                   motorcycling  world,
       whether  you're  an  avid               including inspiring tales of
       road  warrior  or  a  casual            clubs  and  riders  who
       rider.                                  have made a difference in
                                               t h e i r   l o c a l   a r e a s .

       In this issue, we delve into            Motorcycling, after all, is
       s o m e   e x c i t i n g               about more than just the
       developments  from  the                 machines—it’s about the
       motorcycle  world—from                  people we meet along the
       the  latest  bike  launches             way,  the  memories  we
       and  gear  innovations  to              c r e a t e ,   a n d   t h e
       deep  dives  into  the                  friendships  that  last  a
       culture,  history,  and                 lifetime.
       personalities  that  define
       the  riding  community.                 As we continue to evolve
       Whether  you’re  looking                and  bring  you  more                         digiads      Magazines
       for expert advice, thrilling            content that speaks to the
       ride reports, or news from              soul  of  motorcycling,  we             * Graphic Design
       the  world  of  motorsport,             encourage  you  to  reach               * Web Design    Ian van der Merwe
       we’ve  got  something  to               out  with  your  thoughts,              * Catalogues     Editor / Publisher
       fuel your ride.                         feedback,  and  stories.                * Brochures
                                                                                       * Swing Tags
                                               * * L H R   M o t o r c y c l e         * Magazines             +27 65 209 0475
                                                                                       * News Letters
                                               Magazine**  is  not  just  a               

        LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 10                                                                                             February 2025
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