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P. 22
Outlaw Motorcyclists in the USA: A
Comprehensive Exploration
Outlaw motorcyclists, often referred to as members of "outlaw motorcycle clubs" (OMCs), have long held
a unique place in American culture. Their image, characterized by leather-clad riders astride powerful
motorcycles, evokes a sense of rebellion, freedom, and a countercultural lifestyle. Despite being
romanticized in movies and literature, OMCs have also been associated with criminal activity, leading to a
complex legacy that intertwines myth and reality.
This article delves into the origins, culture, controversies, and impact of outlaw motorcyclists in the
United States, examining how they have evolved and why they continue to fascinate the public.
T h e O r i g i n s o f O u t l a w 1. Hells Angels Motorcycle M e m b e r s h i p i n a n o u t l a w
Motorcycle Clubs Club (HAMC): Founded in motorcycle club is more than a
1948 in Fontana, California, hobby; it is a way of life. The culture
The roots of OMCs trace back to
the years following World War II. t h e H e l l s A n g e l s a r e of OMCs revolves around loyalty,
Returning veterans, seeking a r g u a b l y t h e m o s t brotherhood, and a shared passion
camaraderie and a sense of recognized OMC in the for motorcycles. Members often
adventure, found solace in world. Their emblem, the describe their club as a surrogate
motorcycles. The simplicity, speed, "death's head," and their family, bound together by rituals,
and excitement offered by red-and-white colors have codes, and a commitment to the
motorcycles allowed these become synonymous with club's values.
veterans to channel their wartime outlaw motorcycling. Hierarchical Structure
experiences into something 2. Pagans Motorcycle Club: OMCs typically follow a strict
tangible. However, not all Established in 1959 in hierarchy, with roles such as
motorcycle enthusiasts sought to Prince George's County, p r e s i d e n t , v i c e p r e s i d e n t ,
conform to the norms of sanctioned Maryland, the Pagans are secretary, treasurer, and sergeant-
clubs affiliated with the American known for their blue and at-arms. Prospective members, or
Motorcyclist Association (AMA). white colors and their "prospects," must undergo a
presence in the Eastern
In 1947, an event in Hollister, rigorous vetting process before
California, forever changed public United States. being accepted as full members.
perception of motorcyclists. During 3. Outlaws Motorcycle Club: This process can take months or
a motorcycle rally, a minority of Originating in Illinois in even years, during which the
riders engaged in rowdy behavior, 1935, the Outlaws adopted prospect proves their loyalty and
resulting in sensationalized media the "Charlie" logo, a skull compatibility with the club.
coverage. The "Hollister Riot," with crossed pistons, and The Patch
though largely exaggerated, are a major rival of the Hells
birthed the image of the "outlaw Angels. The club's patch, often displayed
motorcyclist." In response, the 4. Bandidos Motorcycle on the back of a leather vest, is a
AMA issued a statement claiming Club: Founded in Texas in sacred symbol. These patches
that 99% of motorcyclists were law- 1966, the Bandidos sport identify the member's club,
abiding citizens, inadvertently red and gold colors and chapter, and status. Losing one's
creating the label of the "1%er," have a motto of "We are the patch due to expulsion or dishonor
which outlaw clubs embraced as a is considered one of the gravest
people our parents warned punishments.
us about."
badge of honor.
Iconic Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs Rituals and Rides
These clubs, often referred to as
Over the decades, several OMCs the "Big Four," have established OMCs place great emphasis on
have become household names chapters across the globe, tradition. Rituals include initiation
due to their size, influence, and solidifying their status as ceremonies, memorial rides, and
media portrayal. Among these, the international organizations. annual gatherings. These events
most notable are: The Culture and Brotherhood of reinforce the bonds among
OMCs members and affirm their shared
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 10 February 2025