Page 27 - February Edition 2025.cdr
P. 27
If a death wobble does occur, the key is to stay
3. Keep a Loose Grip on the to regain control. preparation, it can be managed
Handlebars and even avoided. Ensuring that
5. Steer Straight
It may seem counterintuitive, but If possible, keep the bike pointed your motorcycle's wheels,
it's essential to keep a loose grip on straight ahead. Turning or making suspension, tires, and steering
the handlebars. Trying to force the sudden steering adjustments can components are in top condition is
handlebars straight can cause the make the wobble worse. Focus on the first line of defense. In addition,
wobble to intensify. Instead, allow keeping the handlebars steady and adopting proper riding
the handlebars to oscillate freely aligned with the direction of travel. techniques, checking tire pressure,
while you maintain a steady, and distributing weight evenly will
relaxed grip. Let the suspension 6. Pull Over Safely all contribute to a more stable and
and steering work to dampen the Once the wobble subsides and you safer ride.
wobble. have regained some control, pull If a death wobble does occur, the
4. Stay Relaxed and Maintain over to the side of the road in a safe key is to stay calm, slowly reduce
Proper Posture and controlled manner. This will speed, and avoid making any
allow you to assess the situation, sudden movements. With practice
Your body position plays an check the bike for damage, and
important role in stabilizing the determine whether further action is and an understanding of how to
motorcycle. Keep your posture needed. react, you can minimize the risks
neutral and relaxed, with your body associated with this phenomenon
weight centered over the bike. Conclusion and continue to enjoy the thrill of
Avoid leaning too far forward or A death wobble on a motorcycle motorcycling safely. LHR
backward, as this can shift the can be a terrifying experience, but
bike's balance and make it harder with the right knowledge and
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 10 February 2025