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One of the larger challenges for women riders in

                          the U.S. is the lack of mentorship

      Challenges for Women Riders in            conservative areas, where the idea       country.  Additionally,  women-
      South Africa                              of  a  woman  riding  a  motorcycle      focused motorcycle events such as
                                                may  be  frowned  upon.  However,        W o m e n   R i d e r s   N o w   a n d
      While  the  number  of  women  in
      motorcycling in South Africa is on        with  urbanization  and  greater         International  Female  Ride  Day
      the  rise,  there  are  still  several    access to global media, there has        offer women riders an opportunity
      barriers  to  full  participation.  First,   been  a  slow  but  steady  shift  in   to connect, share experiences, and
      there remains a strong gender bias        attitudes,  especially  among            showcase  their  skills.  The
      in the motorcycling world. Societal       younger generations. Social media        presence  of  these  groups  has
      norms  and  expectations  often           has  also  played  a  critical  role  in   greatly expanded the visibility and
      discourage women from pursuing            amplifying  the  voices  of  women       a c c e p t a n c e   o f   w o m e n   i n
      activities  considered  "masculine,"      riders in South Africa, helping them     motorcycling in the U.S.
      such as motorcycling. Additionally,       to share stories, experiences, and       In  addition  to  recreational  riding,
      there is a pervasive stereotype that      advice  that  encourage  other           women  in  the  U.S.  have  been
      motorcycles are dangerous, which          women to take up motorcycling.           making  significant  strides  in
      may deter some women from even                                                     motorcycle racing. Female racers
      considering the sport.                                                             such as Jody Perewitz and Shelina
                                                                                         Moreda have made history in both
      Another  significant  challenge  is
      access to motorcycles and training.                                                amateur  and  professional  racing
      While  motorcycles  are  often                                                     events, demonstrating that women
      cheaper  than  cars,  they  still                                                  c a n   e x c e l   i n   c o m p e t i t i v e
      represent  a  sizable  financial                                                    motorcycling.
      commitment,  particularly  for                                                     Challenges for Women Riders in
      w o m e n   i n   l o w e r - i n c o m e                                          the U.S.
      communities. Furthermore, there is                                                 Despite  the  progress,  challenges
      a  lack  of  women-focused  training                                               still exist for women in motorcycling
      programs  or  female  instructors,                                                 in the U.S. While the percentage of
      which  can  make  it  harder  for         Current  State  of  Women  in            w o m e n   m o t o r c y c l i s t s   h a s
      w o m e n   t o   e n t e r   t h e   s p o r t   Motorcycling  in  the  United    i n c r e a s e d ,   t h e y   a r e   s t i l l
      confidently.  Additionally,  the           States                                   underrepresented in comparison to
      relatively high cost of riding gear,      Demographics and Growth                  men. Gender stereotypes persist,
      particularly  those  designed                                                      with women often being viewed as
      specifically for women, remains a          The  landscape  for  women  in           less  skilled  or  serious  about  the
      significant barrier for many South         motorcycling in the United States is     sport than their male counterparts.
      African women.                            vastly different from that in South
                                                Africa.  Women  riders  in  the  U.S.    Although  the  motorcycle  industry
      Cultural and Societal Influences           h a v e   b e e n   a   p a r t   o f   t h e   has  made  strides  in  developing
      I n   S o u t h   A f r i c a ,   c u l t u r a l   motorcycling  world  for  many   women-specific gear and apparel,
      perceptions  about  gender  roles         decades,  and  their  numbers            there is still a limited selection of
      have  historically  been  restrictive.    continue to grow. According to data      high-quality products, especially in
      Traditional  gender  roles  often         from  the  Motorcycle  Industry          terms  of  protective  riding  gear,
      associate men with the mechanical         Council (MIC), as of 2020, nearly        which is essential for safety.
      world, while women are expected           20%  of  motorcycle  riders  in  the     One  of  the  larger  challenges  for
      to focus on domestic duties. As a         U.S.  were  women,  a  significant        women riders in the U.S. is the lack
      result, women riders have had to          increase  from  just  10%  in  the       of mentorship. Although there are
      battle  entrenched  social  norms,        1990s.  This  growth  is  largely        many  women  in  the  motorcycling
      especially  in  rural  areas,  where      attributed  to  the  increasing          community,  it  can  sometimes  be
      male-dominated  activities  are           popularity of motorcycles as a form      difficult  for  new  riders  to  find
      more pronounced. This has led to          of  recreation,  as  well  as  broader   experienced  female  mentors  who
      the  development  of  a  culture  of      societal  shifts  towards  gender        can provide guidance and support
      resistance, with women motorcycle         equality.                                in  navigating  the  motorcycling
      riders pushing against these norms        There  are  many  organizations  in      world.  Many  female  riders  report
      to  create  their  own  space  in  a      the  U.S.  that  cater  specifically  to   f e e l i n g   l i k e   o u t s i d e r s   i n
      traditionally  male-dominated             women  riders.  The  Motor  Maids,       predominantly male environments,
      activity.                                 one  of  the  most  prominent  and       particularly when they attend larger
      Social  attitudes  toward  women          l o n g e s t - r u n n i n g   w o m e n ' s   rallies or events, where women are
      riders  can  be  conservative,            motorcycle  clubs,  now  has             sometimes  treated  as  novelty
      especially  in  more  rural  or           thousands of members across the          riders or seen as less experienced.

        LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 10                                                                                             February 2025
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