Page 14 - Jan Edition 2025.cdr
P. 14
Delivery driver crackdown looms in
South Africa
space. He noted that many of
these riders may not be qualified
to operate vehicles on South
African roads, as they may come
from countries where individuals
who hold a car license are legally
allowed to drive lower vehicle
classes, such as motorcycles and
scooters, without undergoing
proper motorcycle-specific
While platforms like Uber Eats,
Checkers Sixty60, and Pick n Pay
ASAP have systems in place to
vet their contracted drivers, Home
The South African Departments of The operations targeting illegal A ff a i r s f a c e s s i g n i fi c a n t
Home Affairs and Employment employment will also incorporate challenges with fraudulent asylum
and Labour are intensifying efforts e-commerce businesses, as part documents and work permits,
to address illegal immigration and of broader initiatives like making it difficult to verify the
the employment of foreign Operation Siyasebenta by Home legitimacy of these credentials.
nationals in the country, with Affairs, the Blitz Operation by the A Gauteng-based business owner
delivery drivers and riders Department of Employment and recently shared their experience
potentially becoming a focal point Labour, and Operation Shanela with raids conducted by Home
of their crackdown. led by the South African Police Affairs and the Department of
Service (SAPS). Labour. They found that several
In response to parliamentary
inquiries from Inkatha Freedom Home Affairs and Employment staff members' documents were
Party MP Liezl van der Merwe, and Labour have already been not recorded in Home Affairs'
Home Affairs Minister Leon conducting raids on businesses in system, suggesting they could be
Schreiber stated that his the hospitality sector to identify fraudulent. In response, the owner
department could not disclose and remove foreign nationals began verifying documents
specific details about its plans to working illegally. Minister of through the department's email
combat illegal employment in E m p l o y m e n t a n d L a b o u r and SMS channels. However,
certain sectors. However, he Nomakhozana Meth previously many of the documents were
confirmed that intelligence is stated that her department will untraceable, leading the owner to
being gathered on the illegal continue targeting high-risk assume they were fake and
employment of e-hailing and sectors, including e-hailing and terminate the employment of
delivery drivers. delivery services. those workers.
Schreiber explained that joint “High-impact and joint blitz The business owner also
operations and inspections are inspections are carried out at least attempted to verify the legitimacy
carried out following the collection once each quarter and are based of South African IDs by sending ID
of intelligence on the operations of on risk assessments,” Meth numbers to Home Affairs' SMS
specific sectors. These operations explained. “The next set of service. While most IDs were
are designed to be discreet, with inspections will take place around confirmed as legitimate, one case
the teams involved unaware of the November or December, focusing revealed that an ID number was
ongoing intelligence-gathering on sectors identified as high-risk.” valid, but no additional information
phase. With a large number of foreign could be found. This highlighted
Information on illegal employment nationals employed in the on- ongoing issues with document
verification and the prevalence of
in the e-hailing and delivery driver demand delivery and fast food fraud in the system.
sectors is obtained through sectors, these industries could soon
roadblocks and stop-and-search face increased scrutiny As the crackdown continues, the
operations. Schreiber noted that In May 2024, Hein Jonker, founder impact of these inspections could
due to the mobile nature of e- of the Motorcycle Safety Institute extend across multiple sectors,
hailing, drivers are often targeted of South Africa, raised concerns especially those involving foreign
during these searches. a b o u t t h e e m p l o y m e n t o f nationals in high-demand
foreigners in the delivery rider industries like delivery services.
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 09 January 2025