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It's almost as if revving the throttle at a stoplight

                    has become a deeply embedded reflex

                                                constantly  adjust  the  fuel-air        the throttle at a stoplight isn't just a
                                                mixture,  even  during  idle.  EFI       habit—it's  a  way  to  ensure
                                                systems  have  largely  eliminated       everything is in order before they
                                                the need for manual intervention         take off. Much like a driver starting
                                                to  prevent  stalling  at  stoplights.   a car and checking their mirrors or
                                                The  days  of  carburetor-induced        engine lights, motorcyclists might
                                                stalls  are  mostly  behind  us,  and    blip  the  throttle  to  reassure
                                                yet, many riders continue the habit      themselves  that  their  engine  is
                                                of revving at idle.                      running smoothly.
        The  Mechanical  Origins:
        Carburetors vs. Fuel Injection          Habit:  Muscle  Memory  from             When  riders  have  just  had  their
                                                Carburetors to EFI                       motorcycles  serviced,  or  when
        To understand why motorcyclists                                                  they are about to embark on a ride
        rev their engines, we first need to      If  modern  motorcycles  with  fuel      after an extended break, a quick
        delve into the basics of motorcycle     injection don't technically need a       throttle  blip  can  provide  a
        engine  technology—specifically,         throttle blip to keep things running     reassuring  sense  of  control.  It
        t h e   d i ff e r e n c e   b e t w e e n   smoothly, why do so many riders      gives  them  a  chance  to  feel  the
        carburetors  and  fuel  injection       still engage in this behavior? The       bike's  vibrations  and  hear  the
        systems.  Both  systems  are            answer, in large part, comes down        familiar  sound  of  the  engine,
        responsible for mixing air and fuel     to habit and muscle memory. For          allowing them to get reacquainted
        before sending the mixture into the     decades,  motorcyclists  were            with  the  feel  of  the  bike.  This  is
        engine  for  combustion.  But  they     accustomed  to  carbureted               particularly true after maintenance
        function quite differently.              engines,  where  throttle  blipping      or repairs, when the engine might
                                                served  a  mechanical  function.
        Historically,  carbureted  engines      This  ingrained  behavior  doesn't       have  a  slightly  different  feel  or
        were the standard on motorcycles,       just  disappear  overnight,  even        sound  than  before.  The  revving
        especially  before  the  advent  of     when the technology changes.             acts as a tactile reminder that the
        modern  fuel  injection  systems. A                                              bike is ready to go and everything
        carburetor  works  by  drawing  air     It's almost as if revving the throttle   is functioning as it should.
        through  a  venturi  (a  constricted    at a stoplight has become a deeply       For new riders, the behavior can
        area  within  the  carburetor),         embedded  reflex,  an  automatic          also be a way to test their bike's
        causing it to speed up and create a     gesture that requires no conscious       responsiveness.  Giving  the
        vacuum that pulls fuel into the air     thought.  Even  riders  of  modern       throttle a quick twist at a stoplight
        stream.  The  rider  adjusts  the       motorcycles  equipped  with  fuel-       can  help  them  gauge  how  the
        throttle to control the amount of air   injection  systems  often  find           engine  is  running  after  an  oil
        and fuel entering the engine.           themselves  blipping  the  throttle
                                                out of sheer habit. For some, it's as    change, tune-up, or other service.
        However,  carburetors  can  have        second-nature  as  checking  the         T h i s   s e r v e s   a s   a   w a y   o f
        some  issues,  particularly  during     mirrors before pulling out onto the      maintaining a sense of control and
        deceleration or when idling. When       road.                                    ensuring that the bike is running at
        a  rider  takes  their  hand  off  the                                            its optimal performance level.
        throttle at a stoplight, the air/fuel   This muscle memory is especially         The  Dopamine  Factor:  The
        mixture can become imbalanced,          prevalent among new riders who           Thrill of Sound and Power
        leading to a potential stalling of the   may have learned to ride on older,
        engine.  This  is  especially  true     carbureted bikes, or who grew up         While  habit  and  mechanical
        when  a  bike  is  cold  or  has  not   watching others rev their engines.       reassurance certainly play a role,
        warmed  up  properly.  To  avoid        Despite  knowing  that  their  EFI       there's no denying that part of the
        stalling, motorcyclists would often     motorcycle  doesn't  need  this          reason  motorcyclists  rev  their
        "blip" or briefly rev the throttle to    intervention,  they  instinctively       engines is simply because it feels
        maintain  the  engine's  RPM            continue  the  action.  It's  an         good.  The  sound  of  an  engine
        (revolutions per minute). This act      automatic  part  of  the  riding         roaring to life can be exhilarating,
        kept the engine running smoothly        experience that they may not even        even  addictive.  For  many  riders,
        by ensuring that the fuel and air       think about. The rhythmic blip of        the revving of the throttle is a way
        mixture stayed in balance.              the  throttle  becomes,  in  many        to  indulge  in  the  sensory
                                                w a y s ,   t h e   r i d e r ' s   w a y   o f   experience of riding. The sound of
        B u t   w h a t   a b o u t   m o d e r n   connecting with the bike.            the  exhaust,  the  vibration  of  the
        motorcycles?  Today,  most                                                       engine,  and  the  rush  of  power
        motorcycles  use  electronic  fuel      R e a s s u r a n c e   a n d   t h e    beneath  them  all  combine  to
        i n j e c t i o n   ( E F I ) ,   a   m o r e   Connection Between Rider and     create a thrilling experience.
        sophisticated  system  that  uses       Machine
        sensors  and  a  computer  to           For  some  motorcyclists,  revving

        LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 09                                                                                                  January 2025
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