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· settings ensures a more The electrical system of the
comfortable ride and RD350 YPVS can be updated to
better performance when i m p r o v e r e l i a b i l i t y a n d
riding aggressively or functionality. Modern LED lighting
carrying extra weight. can provide brighter, more
energy-efficient headlights, tail
3. Brakes and Tires: Stopping
Power and Traction lights, and turn signals, while a
modern fuse box and upgraded
Modern brake systems can wiring harness ensure better
significantly enhance the long-term durability.
stopping power of a restomodded
RD350 YPVS. The addition of Conclusion
larger rotors, four-piston calipers, The Yamaha RD350 YPVS is a
and braided steel brake lines can two-stroke motorcycle that has
g r e a t l y i m p r o v e b r a k i n g earned its place in motorcycle
performance and reduce fade. history. Its combination of
lightweight handling, high-
· U p g r a d e d B r a k i n g
System: Many restomods revving engine, and cutting-edge
feature calipers and YPVS technology made it a
master cylinders from favorite among riders and racers
h i g h - p e r f o r m a n c e alike. The restomod culture has
motorcycles, offering allowed this iconic motorcycle to
greater stopping power, remain relevant, with custom
improved feedback, and modifications that improve
better modulation. performance, safety, and comfort
without sacrificing the essence of
· Modern Tires: Swapping what made the RD350 YPVS so
out the older tires for special in the first place.
modern radial tires with
better grip and durability A restomodded RD350 YPVS
can improve handling and combines the best of the past with
g i v e t h e r i d e r m o r e the best of the present, offering
c o n fi d e n c e i n a l l riders an exciting, modernized
conditions. version of a classic machine.
Whether it's enhancing the
4. Aesthetic Modifications: engine for more power, upgrading
Custom Looks the suspension for better
Restomodding is not just about handling, or adding custom
improving performance; it's also touches to make it unique, the
about making the bike uniquely restomod process ensures that
yours. Customization options for the RD350 YPVS remains a
the RD350 YPVS range from thrilling and desirable motorcycle
simple paint jobs to full-on f o r y e a r s t o c o m e . F o r
bodywork changes. enthusiasts and collectors, a
restomodded Yamaha RD350
· C u s t o m P a i n t a n d
Graphics: Many owners YPVS is the ultimate way to
experience the best of both
opt for a unique paint job
that either brings the bike worlds. LHR
closer to its racing roots or
introduces a completely
new color scheme.
· Seat and Upholstery:
Replacing the stock seat
with a custom-designed
seat that offers better
ergonomics, comfort, and
s t y l e i s a c o m m o n
5. Lighting and Electrical
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 09 January 2025