Page 69 - Warwickers Customers Count vflip2
P. 69
Customer Service TIPS 69 19. Make People Feel Important - Every company out there knows customers are important. But as a customer how important do you normally feel when dealing with these companies? With all the advertising and all the talk about customer service, with all the blather about customer-centric companies, making people feel important is still the easiest way to differentiate yourself, and your company from the competition. 20. Go Above And Beyond - Manage customer expectations, and then exceed them. 21. Feel Their Pain - Walk a mile in your customers’ shoes. CUSTOMER SERVICE 22. Be Fun, Be Real -Have a graceful, humorous, or personalized error message ready to be put up in the event of a page or site outage to let the customers know you’re aware of and addressing the issue. 23. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is - Guarantee 100% customer satisfaction or give them their money back. 24. Served Their Way - Sell the way your customers want to buy. You might prefer customers order off your website rather than by phone, but what do THEY prefer? Stop doing what’s easy for you and start doing what’s easy for them. 25. Make It Simpler, Not Simple - Most customers don't understand what you do nearly as well as you do. That's why they are customers after all. So make sure you 30 TIPS communicate and deliver things as simply as possible... but DON'T make you service or product simplified. Your job is to make the customer consumption of your product or service really easy, but it is not your job to make the product or service itself simple and watered down. 26. Be The One - One stop shopping is preferred and promoted; where possible avoid transferring calls and e-mails. 27. The Higher Road - Always answer an angry e-mail with kindness and diplomacy. 28. Focus More - Focus on what they need, not what you “sell” and always give value added. 29. Smile, They are Listening - Smile while you are on the phone with a customer. It really does make a huge difference. 30. Make It Memorable - Create a memorable experience for your customers so they continue to keep coming back! Service is a vital part of the experience.
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