Page 72 - Warwickers Customers Count vflip2
P. 72
colleagues 72 are customers Internal service providers (Audit, Finance, HR, IT, Operations, Procurement, Properties, Communication, Risk etc) regularly suffer issues around how they are perceived. Many do not pay enough attention to their internal brand and how they communicate with their internal colleague customers. They are often seen as an internal cost centre and their clients don’t see them as equals or partners. They are seen to have a monopoly in the business and their clients may question: their abilities versus external providers; the lack of clarity on their value proposition; their teams business literacy and the jargon they use when they communicate with them. As an internal service provider how can you begin to improve the level of understanding on what you offer and increase satisfaction in the delivery of your service? 7 steps to rebrand internal service providers 1) Get clear on your value proposition – What does the customer gets by using your service or advice?; How do you go about doing what you do?; Where do you add value?; How does your COLLEAGUES ARE CUSTOMERS value proposition align with other service providers?; How can you work together? Ask them. 2) Brand - How do you support the external brand and values in how you deliver your service?; Where is the line of sight to your external customers?; What does this bring to your value proposition? Ask them. 3) What do they want from you and value about your service?; What is in it for them? Ask them. Put your internal customers at the heart of what you do. 4) How do you currently engage with them? What communication channels do you use?; Do you deliver what you communicate that you do for them? Ask them. 5) Can you improve the experience and make it customer friendly – the offer, delivery of the service, the ease of use for them and access to your services? Ask them. 6) Can you improve the communication? – How you let people know about your services?; How you make them feel like customers?; and how you communicate? Ask them. 7) Communication counts - Typically you communicate to inform, instruct, educate and hopefully engage your audiences – use this guide to kick start the improvement process - articulate your value proposition, understand your audiences interests and needs, improve your communication effectiveness and become a partner that adds real value.