Page 3 - How_To_Start_Writing_Online_The_Ship_30_For_30_Ultimate_Guide
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                   The TL;DR
                   Recommended Tool: Typeshare

                Framework #7: Rewriting Your Bio
                   Your Bio Checklist
                Framework #8: Naming & Claiming Your Category
                   Using Data To Refine Your Category Over Time
                   Changing Your Category


               There are two types of writers in the world today.

               The first are legacy writers. These are people who still believe in the days of
               Hemingway, Faulkner, Dostoevsky, and Bukowski (among others). To become a
               writer, they believe, you must wear a chapeau, smoke a corn cob pipe, stare out the
               window and wait for inspiration to strike. Better yet, you must detach yourself from the

               world, find a cabin in the woods (God forbid it has Internet), and dedicate the next 10
               years of your life to writing the next Great American Novel. And if you die doing it, even
               better. You have lived, and suffered, the life of a true "writer."

               We think that's a bunch of bologna.

               The second are Digital Writers. These are people who, in the age of the Internet, have
               realized the inefficiencies that kept so many talented writers from being heard 30, 40,

               50, 100+ years ago. Digital Writers don't run away from life and seek refuge in a cabin—
               they incorporate their writing into their daily lives. Digital Writers don't write by
               themselves (hiding away in their apartment)—they Practice In Public using social
               publishing platforms like Twitter, Quora, Medium, etc. Digital Writers don't guess what

               readers want to read about—they gather data, learn what works in real time, and iterate
               on a daily basis.

               We believe there has never been a better time in human history to be a writer.

               As long as you're a Digital Writer.

               Getting Started

               Whether you are a legacy writer looking to transport yourself into the future and become
               a Digital Writer, or you understand the benefits of writing online but are brand new to

        How To Start Writing Online: The Ship 30 For 30 Ultimate Guide   
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