Page 4 - TITO Employee Engagement Guide v25
P. 4

employee experience    Poor standards    No dialogue    Rushed onboarding    Shiny new object syndrome
               everything    Lack of clarity on personal role and contribution    Lack of investment     Judged by others
                                 to    Poor reputation with customers    No real employee brand just empty words    No energy and fun
                                           Historical ties    Driving the bus looking out the rear view mirror    No teambuilding events    Meetings
                                    No joined up thinking    Shareholder bias    No drive towards a great customer experience let alone
                                              overload    Little collaboration    Fear    Favourites    Overwhelm, tiredness and stress    No story
                                                       linked to performance   Lack of clarity on business future   Disillusionment    Over
                                                          promise, under deliver    Power struggles    Profit is everything    Lack of clarity on
                                                 to buy into     Inauthentic Leaders     Toxic team dynamics     No Management buy in     Judged
                                                    by others     No role models     Untrustworthy    Cynicism Lack of transparency    Pay not
           not linked to performance    Lack of clarity on business future   Over promise, under deliver    Profit is
                  Old Technology    Coercion more than cocreation    Poor communication    Mission critical not purpose
     Fear and blame      Favourites    Overwhelm, tiredness and stress    Inauthentic Leaders     Toxic team
        dynamics     No story to buy into    No Management buy in    Untrustworthy    Lack of transparency    Pay
                           decision making    Caustic Culture    Nobody cares  Inconsistent messages    No real feedback    Say/ Do
                              mismatch    Subjective and political performance reviews    No career development    No tribes to belong
                     driven    Disengaged Line Managers   Bullying    Silos and cliques building walls not bridges   Knowledge is
                        power    Politics    No role models    Them and Us    No one is listening    No digital strategy    Inconsistent
                                                             personal role and contribution    Lack of investment     Old Technology    Coercion

                                                                    urnedOFF more than cocreation    Poor communication    Mission critical not purpose driven    Disengaged Line Managers  Bullying    Silos and cliques building walls not bridges  Knowledge is power    Politics Them and Us    No one is listening    Inconsistent   decision making    Nobody cares    Inconsistent messages    No real  feedback     Say/ Do mismatch    Subjective and political performance reviews

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