Page 17 - INQUISITIVE Employee Engagement Guide.pptx
P. 17
and 5 Frogs Leaders who do not connect and are not
One or Five?
intentional in what they do – they are more likely
Five - because deciding and doing are to get distracted by novel trends, give up when
completely different things! going gets tough and can be viewed as
opportunistic by employees and customers.
Leaders are role models – good, mediocre
or bad – their own choice. The say/ do gap The Leadership role as a communicator is
is one of the biggest issues in businesses of crucial to build a strong brand and engage
all sizes. There needs to be a leadership people. This is not about Annual Roadshows
wake up call to explain they cannot live by a and Town Halls with snazzy PowerPoints to
series of soundbites alone – trust is earned music. It is about a continuous ongoing dialogue
and being authentic matters to employees. – where what they say and what they do
People watch Leaders – not just what they matches – and it tells a story as they lead by
say but more what they do. example.
When it works - it inspires, people connect, It is at the essence of their Leadership
join tribes, engage and follow. role to tell an inspiring, compelling
and well crafted story – in what they
When it doesn't work it spreads cynicism, say; and then to show how they live it.
disillusionment and mistrust. Despite an
increased focus on purpose organisations A say/do match should be embodied in who
are sorely lacking leaders who are aware of they are as a Leader - intentional. inspiring
and deeply connected to the purpose and authentic.
behind their work.