Page 40 - Warwickers Ideas Book 2015
P. 40

The primary discovery skill is not to search for ideas or solutions ...
it is to start asking great provocative, interesting questions .. not
necessarily complex ones ... often the obvious simple ones ..
others are sometimes too scared to ask. Your outcomes are as a
result of the quality of questions you ask. Creative minds ask great
questions. Questions are to help you get clarity, gain
understanding, gather information, find new perspectives and
make better decisions. Learning the skill begins with a shift in
mindset - a discovery, inquisitive and curious approach to

Discovery is about curiosity - challenging the status quo and
exploring new possibilities. At its essence curiosity is about asking
questions and pursuing answers. Thinking is driven by questions
not by answers. My experience as a manager and business coach
has been, that often people are so keen to find the solution or go
to task - that they miss the opportunity to explore whether they
have the right question and check if it is phrased in the right way -
the driving question. I like to ask 'what question is that solution the
answer to?' so we can go back and explore the issue with curiosity
driven questions. When you are lost it is better to seek the
question than the answer first. Good questions need to be valued
as much as good answers.
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