Page 19 - Jilli For HEROIC 1
P. 19


                    HEROIC  is  built  around  basic  drills,  disciplines  and

                    protocols - the Fundies! This is about optimizing for

                    health and wellbeing by moving the bar up daily to

                    live  by  sound  principles  -  as  a  flourishing  radiant

                    exemplar  of  your  best  that  day.    This  is  where  the

                    energy  comes  from  to  do  all  the  other  stuff  -  so

                    work on this first.

                    Here  is  the  only  area    HEROIC  gets  prescriptive  on

                    learning  and  implementing  best  practice  from  the

                    experts - with some MUSTs for HEROIC Coaches.

                    These are the 7 core fundies topics and again it is

                    about  integrating  the  rules  into  your  life  ...

                    occasional  oops  days  are  inevitable  here  too  -  as

                    long as you just get back on that bike afterwards!                                                                                                     FUNDAMENTALS


                                                food as fuel and medicine


                                         for the energy and mood boost!


                                         as the foundation for everything


                                          the right way to fuel your body


                                  on what matters most in the moment


                          loving life as it is with gratitude and humility


                        with agency - hope, self belief + multiple paths
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