Page 3 - Jilli For HEROIC 1
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                I already new Brian's work for over a decade - from Philosophers

                Notes  to  Optimize  to  Heroic.  I  am  into  ancient  wisdom  meets

                modern science and human potential. And  into lifelong learning

                and personal growth BIG time! I 'got' the messages but I was under

                no illusion - I didn't live by them.

                I  wanted  to  add  to  my  Coaching  Skills  and  the  Certification

                appealed as it had more of an emphasis on holistic wellbeing. It

                had the potential to build my T, let me go deeper in helping others

                (and myself) and add to my 'Change Agent' toolkit.

                I had been through a very tough patch. I had stepped off the grid

                to care for my parents and brother, through illness.  As I emerged

                from this intense period - my tank was empty, reserves depleted

                and ZING gone!

                I had done a few projects and built some new skills; but time had

                not stood still.  And then COVID took hold globally. A challenging

                space in so many ways and yet for an optimist an opportunity too!

                I chose to join in Optimize Coach IV in 2021 - an investment in ME to

                help with my journey moving forward and guide me on reinventing

                myself  again.  It  was  THE  GIFT  and  the  catalyst  for  change  I

                needed. Here are a few of the insights from that 300 Day Coach

                Program that I took onboard, integrated and now seek to 'LIVE' by.

                                                                                 8 TAKEAWAYS
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