Page 14 - Energy and Ideas Get More Business 2023 v 02flip
P. 14
Long after they forget what you said and did,
they will remember how you made them feel J
Rapport encompasses the following:
1. Rapport with yourself – feeling at ease with your actions and your life journey.
2. Building rapport in conversations and in interactions with others through choice
of language. (matching)
3. Body language and the speed or pace of communication. (mirroring)
4. Empathy - an understanding of situations from the other person’s perspective.
Rapport is essential for effective communication. It calls for mutual respect between people and
is often achieved intuitively. It demands focus and concentration. Be genuinely interested in
connecting with other people.
Pick up the key words, favourite phrases, and the way of speaking that someone uses and build
these subtly into your own conversations. Respect the other persons time, energy, interests and
money. They will be important resources for them. Start from where the other person is, pace
alongside them and then lead them. If this all sounds alien go learn about NLP in business – it
adds value and makes you a better communicator.