Page 18 - Energy and Ideas Get More Business 2023 v 02flip
P. 18
This is about creating the right frame of mind and way of being
to succeed. We each make choices all the time on our outlook on
life. We can change our state in a minute by changing what we
focus on, the language we use or simply moving our body in a
different way.
To be successful in business development we can choose to be authentic,
live by our values, have an optimistic outlook, with an energised and 1. My work - not an
upbeat can-do attitude. We can focus on success and achievement, with a extra task if I get
solution orientation towards our customers business and 100% 2. Positive ‘can do’
commitment to being a professional and adding value. We can walk tall attitude and
with confidence and believe in our talents. We can choose to live in the enthusiasm
moment. 3. Total self belief – I
am ok, and I add
Or we can live our life through the rear-view mirror, lacking confidence, value
worrying about past mistakes, blaming others, playing victim, concerned 4. Giving to get back
about our jobs and lacking any real energy to change anything. 5. Goal oriented and
You CHOOSE your response. Make the right choices and focus 6. Give and prove your
on the triad above to directly influence your behaviour. value
Cultivate a winning attitude. 7. Job or Career?