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SOCIAL network
Everyone needs to be actively connecting and building their tribe. Is it worthwhile? Great for providing
identifying opportunities and potential customers, cultivate new relationships, build online communities
to keep in touch and find old colleagues.
First things first ‘Google’ yourself – what comes up – the objective is to create the
profile you need for your business activities and to support the story you want to tell. This
is part of your brand you can influence.
There are numerous ways to network online using social networks including:
1. LinkedIn as your calling card – build your brand here first and recognise it is business oriented.
2. Twitter to share opinions and comment on others – if it is business oriented – think thought
leadership/ ideas more than life moments to keep it credible. BUT be human and real.
3. Contacts sites like Facebook. Instagram and TikTok are the second tier – go where your customers go
and seek to serve and help others.
4. Specialist invite only online discussion groups and forum groups like those on Telegram/ WhatsApp
are also worth considering
5. Join in on website forums and groups designed for communities and learning programmes – find
your tribes and find your customers tribes.
6. Create a blog or contribute to other blogs – engage, educate and excite plus engage with others
content. It is ok not to post as long as you comment regularly and meaningfully.
7. Do a search on for groups and communities to join in your sector.
This is the future for business communities – so if you have not already embraced it - you need to
understand how information flows online, work with the algorithms, gather data, understand each
platforms purpose and voice, be engaged and connected, create your own content, try out all the
tools and begin to unravel the possibilities of what it can do for you. Play but meet people too!
Some guidance:
1. Use the same philosophy as with other networking opportunities – seek to add value for others
plus raise your personal and professional profile.
2. Create profiles that are factual but also differentiate you and your personal brand.
3. Share your track record but do not share confidential information especially relating to client
4. Gather relevant recommendations and testimonials that add real value to your profile.
5. Use LinkedIn to lead and support your networking activities not as your networking activity.
6. Maintain a quality network and build a community.
7. Provide quality content. Be deliberate about what you are sharing. Be relevant. Post regularly. Be
genuine, passionate and care about your content.