Page 26 - Energy and Ideas Get More Business 2023 v 02flip
P. 26
target OR NICHE
Targeting is important as it brings
focus, creates a task orientation to
build momentum, increases
confidence, saves time, builds
relationships, maintains visibility
and avoids duplication.
Your niche = The group of people that see you as
the answer to their problems or opportunities.
Understand why people buy what you are selling
Who are your ideal clients? What is your Niche? Get specific!
1. Who needs your service the most?
2. What services or sectors do you specialise in that identify your clients for you?
3. Do you have: geographical boundaries, a preferred size of business, type of person
4. Who can pay what you need to charge?
5. Where do you already have customers and contacts?
6. Who is likely to give you good opportunities or repeat business?
7. Whose goals or issues do you care about?
8. Who would be the most fun and satisfying to work with?
Rule 1 Identify your tribe and aim to only work
with ideal clients