Page 31 - Energy and Ideas Get More Business 2023 v 02flip
P. 31


                                              Start with a genuine interest and do your research
                                              beforehand. Ask more questions than you answer
                                              and listen for the answers to build on them.
                                                 What is the real question?
                                                      How can I help?
                                            What are the big issues right now?
                                                    What is happening?
                                        What is the impact of this on the business?
                                        How important is it to solve this right now?
                              What are the most important factors influencing your decision?
                                How will you decide between the options available to you?

                                           values/ beliefs
                                Why?                                  the conversation

                                                                    1. Seek    to   understand   their
                                                  ideas/                issues/  challenges/  options
                          How?       What?                              from different perspectives.
                                                  opinions          2. Find out which ones are most

                                                                        important to them and why.
                                                                    3. Go into depth – what is the
                    Who? When?           Where?      facts              evidence and what is the
                                                                        impact of the issue.
                                                                    4. Summarise to check you have
             level of                                                   understood.
            If the customer says ‘What a great question’ you are on track – the dialogue
            should help them think about their business, issue or opportunity in a different
            way and add value for them whether they buy your services or not.
                 For breakthroughs stay curious a little bit longer and explore!
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