Page 35 - Hikmaty CAREER build a better story flipbook
P. 35


                  become  growth  –  mastery  great  during  and  at  you  them?  .  more  The  to  have

                     a          are   grow    are      them.  you
                  learn,  with  to  onboard  you  good  applying  doing  reject  –
            From Theory to Practice to Mastery

                  to  journey  practice  qualifications  taken  made  future.  How  AND  and  simply  knowledge
                  knowledge  learning  to  theory  several  have  has  it  how  your  shape  mean?  experiences  more reflecting  or

                  applying  lifelong  from  go  and  you  what  and  skills  can  that  achievements  learning  things  doing  unapplied  of

                  practically  continuous  you  where  education  about  more  and  story  and  reading,  experimenting,  of  way  or  full librarian

                  is  a  journey  good  is  it  talents  past  your  had  have  base  a  be  knowhow.  time  time  and  can  you  capabilities  most  You  -  move  Grid.  are  you  curious  and  yourself.
                  ‘KnowHow’  requires  It  learning  a knowledge,  However  your  develop  of  part  you  training,  reflecting  knowledge  not  life  build your  takes  over develops  now  profile  –  be  expertise  ARABIC  to  role  Hikmaty  game  are  you  progress  and

                  TASKED  expertise  a  out  learning.  of  potential.  you  the  is  It  experiences  education,  critically  your  of  game  and  certainly  TASKED  to  like  skills,  your  of  sector.  IN  your  in  the  of  the  know  arena,  you  as  others

                  In       to   lots  helped  interest.  projects,  testing,  into  the  it  mastery  Expertise  would  build  areas  WISDOM  Quadrants  the  more  for
                  -  your  seeking  doing  your  those  them  in  on  master  your  you  the  your  framework  you  in  grow  value
                  JOURNEY  demonstrate  Consistently  to knowing  Having  -  IT  show  that  has  it  how  of  field  all  do  What  i.e.  inputs  assimilating,  integrate  full  play  to yourself,  Whilst  -  or KnowHow  who/  on  to  path  in  and  you  MY  MEANS  TASKED  skills  4  path,  your  stay  you  and  DELIVER

                  LEARNING  and  mindset.  of  ASSIMILATE  foundations  journey,  your  in  wiser  -  IT  the  all  means  to  need  to  is objective  and  it  IT MASTER  your  understanding  clear  learning  a  credibility  to important  HIKMATY  the  the  between  OWN  and PLAYING  DISCOVER  to  serve

                  A  wiser  cycle  a  your  be  APPLY  taking  That  You  test  and  by  -  being  set  and  use  You  to  you
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