Page 22 - Jilli JOURNALING to get stuff done and learn more vLI
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5 Your Daily Habits are the patterns of behaviour you repeat over and over again
often without knowing that you are doing it. The brain does not know the
difference between good and bad habits it is just in autopilot mode. The more
you repeat something the more it becomes a habit. You can use this to change
your behaviour by adding in good habits and removing bad ones by tracking your
daily activity. They have not all got to be daily either – you can also add in a few
weekly ones.
Positive changes could include: self care routines, more exercise, daily
affirmations, reading 10 pages, listening to a Podcast daily, taking supplements,
chores, weighing yourself, saying ‘I love you’, going on a walk, calling Mum or
waking up earlier. Negative improvements could include: no added sugar, no
smoking, less TV or social media, no alcohol or no impulse spending. You could
also pick habits that help you achieve your Vision or one of your 8 goals. Or it
may be that you are using your 100 day Sprint to train for a marathon or iron
man, lose weight or refresh your life - then you choose habits that support these
Habit Stacking
DAILY introduce new habits set YOU WILL NEVER
yourself up to win by adding CHANGE YOUR LIFE
HABITS them on to your current UNTIL YOU CHANGE
routines. In the mornings you
probably already have a SOMETHING YOU DO
collection of daily habits you
run through getting ready for DAILY. THE SECRET
or beginning your work days. OF YOUR SUCCESS
Same in the evening. Just add OR HAPPINESS IS
a couple more habits in and
use the momentum you have FOUND IN YOUR
already built up. DAILY ROUTINE.
John Maxwell
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