Page 106 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 106
106 COMMUNICATION COUNTS CONCLUDE time Great ideas but I don’t have time !

Time is an equal opportunity
employer. Each human being has exactly
the same number of hours and minutes
every day. Rich people can't buy more
hours. Scientists can't invent new
minutes. And you can't save time to
spend it on another day. Even so, time is
amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter
how much time you've wasted in the
past, you still have an entire
tomorrow. (Denis Waitley)

Why did we start this little Fact Book with what are you going to start doing and what are
you going to stop doing? It is the BIG excuse – current workload, targets, balance, income,
commitments, priorities etc. Time is a leveller – we cannot manage time – it’s a fixed asset
– it is all about choice – how you choose to spend it and where you choose to make
savings. How can you work smarter? Is it an important part of your job or for your career
do you need these skills?

So WHY is communication a MUST right

now for YOU and YOUR Business?

It is unlikely that you are blessed with hours of free time each week – so it is a matter of
priorities and making the right choices. If it stays as a should or could rather than a MUST
it is unlikely you will build any momentum.

Decision time – make communication count!
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