Page 111 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 111
Warwickers is a small inquisitive consultancy that seeks to ask thought
provoking questions to explore business issues and identify your business
‘differences’ that drive your success. Our approach is fresh and
interesting, yet our style is practical, helping people to get involved, learn
new skills, take action and deliver results. We have no set process but our
business experience and ‘know how’ provides a huge variety of proven
tools and creative processes to support our inquiries, and share best
practice with your teams. Our creativity and energy provide the
inspiration for innovative solutions with plenty of common sense to
support their implementation.

Our Consultancy and Training lenses are focused on your external world
and how best to connect your internal world with it. Warwickers combine
strategic and creative thinking to deliver compelling and effective
solutions. We help take your strategy, external brand and customer
message and bring it inside engaging all colleagues in consistently
delivering that customer promise. Through our 5 C’s: Customers,
Communication, Creativity, Change and Careers.

A competent, business focused team that can take on the roles of
consultant, guide, facilitator, trainer, champion, coach or adviser as
required. Our consultants and trainers have extensive experience of
working in senior marketing, sales, human resource and line
management roles within companies. They are supported by researchers
who are the knowledge gatherers for our client businesses. We work from
the UK and Saudi Arabia.
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