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Message from
the Chair
Jennifer Brown, J.D., CLI
We are well into 2022 and I could not be prouder to see where PPIAC is heading.
Your Board of Directors has been working to bring you training opportunities and
member benefits, and staying on top of legislation that affects our profession.
Work has already begun on the annual conference, which will happen during the
second or third week in September. We have a few speakers already confirmed!
We are reviewing venues right now and hope to have an announcement soon
about the location. Assuming no new surprises, it will be in person. We are going
to put on the Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI) training again
on June 3-4. This training is aimed at newer investigators, but experienced
investigators are welcome too. It will be virtual, through Zoom. We already have
at least ten speakers who have agreed to present at CIDI. Even with nearly 20
years of experience, it never ceases to amaze me how much I still don’t know.
Consider attending even if you think you’ve learned all there is to know. Look out
for more details very soon.
Your association will also hosting more social events and encourage more
engagement at our training meetings. Earlier this week, there was a social
gathering in Littleton. We plan to have more of these so members can meet each
other in person and talk shop (or not!) in a relaxed setting. We also encourage
you to stay online after the virtual trainings to chat with other attendees.
The Membership Committee has been busy looking for more benefits for us. If
you need case management software, check out Trackops. They are located here
in Colorado and offer a robust case tracking system. We will update you as more
discounts become available.
PPIAC continues to advocate for you at the state capitol. See the updates
included in this issue for more information. For the second year in a row, a PPIAC
member is PI Magazine’s Investigator of the Year! See Rod’s interview with Matt
Spaier. (Last year, it was Andrea Orozco.)
In this issue, we’ve included information and updates about what we’ve been
doing. I hope you’ll consider getting involved by joining a committee or
communicating with your state representatives (or both!) As always, voting
members can attend the board meetings. Our next one is at 4:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, March 2. RSVP for a link to the meeting at
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and our profession.
January / February 2022 The Informant Page 2