Page 15 - PPIAC Newsletter Mar-Apr 2022
P. 15

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado


                                                                                       Continued from page  14
                water of the lake. We did obtain   in the area were unpowered. He
                one lead though, which was that   told us that approximately fifty
                there were several small indige-  people had been involved in the
                nous fishing communities around   investigation between the NNP
                the lake, and that there may have   and the Nicaraguan Navy, the larg-
                been witnesses among that popu-  est turnout for a drowning he’d
                lation.                         ever seen, and that two divers had
                                                gone down 164 feet. He agreed to
                The Lake
                                                take us on the lake, and was un-
                The lake itself is a famous lake in   concerned about law enforcement
                Nicaragua, the Apoyo Lagoon. It is  given the good will he’d generated
                a volcanic crater lake, and exceed-  with them during the investiga-
                ingly deep and large. At its deepest  tion. We also learned from him
                point, it is 574 feet deep, and occu- that an in-shape rower could go
                pies 7.5 square miles. We spoke to  across the lake in a kayak in ap-
                the lifeguard who had been on du-  proximately one hour and 40
                ty at the time Abiodun went out,   minutes. Poto drove us to various
                who reported to us that he had   areas of the lake. We found some
                offered a life vest to Abiodun mul-  clothing that had washed ashore,
                tiple times, but that Abiodun had   and sent photographs of it to the
                refused and told him that he knew  family, but they did not recognize
                how to swim. The lifeguard noted   it. We attempted to report it later
                that Abiodun brought nothing with  to the NNP, but they seemed unin-
                him when he went out in the kay-  terested in collecting it.
                ak. We asked the lifeguard about
                taking a boat on the lake, as we   The Jungle
                wanted to identify some of the are- After identifying multiple points
                as indicated on the NNP’s map and  where we saw fishing boats on the
                get a sense of the size of the lake   shore around the lake, we donned
                itself. The lifeguard told us that no  our jungle gear and went into the
                one was allowed on the lake at that  jungle to attempt to find the fish-
                time, as the Nicaraguan Navy had   ing communities. It was hot, and
                not yet formally closed their inves- muggy, and there were mosquitos.
                tigation (although they had left   It took multiple hours to hike
                many days prior). He suggested we  through the jungle to the various
                talk to a local, “Poto” who owned a  one- or two-family huts in the jun-
                large lake house and multiple   gle that subsisted by fishing on the
                boats to see if he’d take us out any- lake. However, we did in fact find
                way. We went to Poto’s house and   multiple witnesses at two different
                learned from him that his house   communities. The general consen-
                had been the base of operations for  sus was that they saw Abiodun on
                the NNP’s investigation, and that   the water on the morning of his
                he had loaned his motor boats to   disappearance and noted that Abi-
                the investigation, as all other boats  odun was kayaking from the far


                March—April 2022 Issue                                                         The Informant
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