Page 18 - PPIAC Newsletter Mar-Apr 2022
P. 18

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado

               FIELD INVESTIGA-

                                             INVESTIGATING AN INTERNATIONAL MISSINGS PERSON CASE
               Continued from page  17

                                             ing in risky behavior before his   this, and they eventually agreed.
                                             disappearance, including doing   Recommendations
                                             ayahuasca prior to going out on
                                             the lake, refusing a life vest, and   In a missing persons case, if you
                                             standing up while paddling in a   run up to the end of your budget
                                             kayak during or right before a   or timeframe, and there’s more to
                                             storm. In our report, the tentative   do, it is important to provide rec-
                                             conclusion was that it was most   ommendations that the family
                                             likely that Abiodun unfortunately   can choose to follow if they want
                                             drowned in Apoyo Lagoon, and     to leave no stone unturned. In
                                             that because of the depth of the   this case, we informed them of
                                             lake, the body never resurfaced.   two diving outfits in the US who
                                             The family had hoped we’d be     we could contract to either send
                                             able to retrieve Abiodun from    aquatic robots or use high-tech
                                             Nicaragua, and this was disap-   diving suits to go to the depths
                                             pointing for them. However, it   that were necessary to search for
                                             was also helpful for them because   Abiodun’s body. Unfortunately,
                                             it provided closure for them, de-  this was cost-prohibitive for the
                                             spite the numerous social media   family, and they elected to rely on
                                             claims of sighting Abiodun later,   our conclusion.
                                             and they were able to start mov-  Takeaways and Resources
                                             ing on with their lives. Approxi-
                                             mately a year later they contacted   Missing persons cases, especially
                                             us to thank us again for our assis-  international cases, are so differ-
                                             tance.                           ent that there’s no one-size-fits-
                                                                              all approach.
                                             A NOTE ON SCAMS                  However, above you will have

                                             It should be noted that through-  seen a general outline of how to
                                             out the entire investigation and   proceed, which is broken down as
                                             afterward, both we and the family   follows:
                                             were approached by people in     1.  Info-gathering phase, where
                                             person and online claiming to        you do research, talk to the
                                             have seen Abiodun in other parts     family, research the location,
                                             of Nicaragua and requesting a        review evidence, coordinate
                                             reward in exchange for the infor-    with the government, etc.
                                             mation. This is almost always a
                                             scam. This is always difficult for   2.  Planning phase, where you
                                             the family because they want to      figure out where you’re going
                                             cling to the possibility of their    to go, what kinds of people
                                             loved one being alive. The family    you need to talk to, and what
                                             briefly considered sending us        kinds of experts, if any, you’ll
                                             back to Nicaragua to follow up on    need.
                                             a number of these so-called leads,   3.  Field phase, where you actu-
                                             but we recommended against


                The Informant                                                       March—April 2022 Issue
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