Page 179 - 2022 Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI)
P. 179


                                           INSTRUCTOR SPOTLIGHT

               Rod Gagnon

               Rod Gagnon has been involved in asset recovery and financial investigations for more than
               thirty years. He started a repossession agency called Phoenix Collections & Investigations
               at the age of 19 and built it into the largest collateral recovery firm in northern New
               England. He credits these first years as foundational to his understanding how to find
               hidden debtors (via pretexting and solid field work) and their assets (via research and pig-
               headed tenacity). He sold this firm after a decade of ridiculously long hours and by request
               of his wife.

               Seeing an opportunity in the world of criminal record checks that was transitioning from
               card files to computers, he formed New Hampshire Background Investigations with his
               now much happier wife. Together, they built it into one of the largest criminal record
               research services in New England. But after a decade of ridiculously long hours, they sold
               the company in 2011 and moved to Colorado.

               From late 2011 to 2017, Rod worked with Joe and Stephanie Dickerson at Financial Forensic
               Services as a Senior Asset Analyst helping recover millions from judgment debtors. He left
               FFS to form Recovery Analytics, where he now focuses on buying his own judgments to
               collect (his wife, however, became a flight attendant).

               Rod is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and has served on the PPIAC board as President,
               Treasurer, VP of Membership, and as a Director. He is forming an Asset Recovery Analyst
               school as well as an investment fund based on judgments.
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