Page 176 - 2022 Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI)
P. 176

PI Standards - Licensed and Unlicensed                                                                    06/03/2022

                       I’ll Hire an Info Broker!

               BE CAUTIOUS!
                 You have to have an affirmation / disclaimer from the info
                  broker is not violating any existing state or federal statute or
                 If there is an accusation of criminal wrongdoing – you will be
                  defending yourself; your insurance will likely not cover you.


                       That’s the ‘Legal’ stuff!

               Now you have to deal with Professional Ethics.
               What may be ‘legal’ may not be ‘ethical’.
               What may be ‘ethical’ may not be ‘legal’.
              Your activities must be BOTH Legal and Ethical!

              Whether a private client, attorney, or insurance company, etc. –
              treat every case the same.
              PPIAC, and other associations, have member Ethics. They are all
              very similar in following applicable the American Bar Association,
              and are also association specific. Develop your agency Ethics!

                  EVERYTHING You Do Must Be
                         Admissible in Court!

               You may never see a court of law, or your evidence
                (reports, videos, photos, records, etc.).
               Treat every case like it will be going to court.
               Treat every case like you will be scrutinized.

                                   Develop your agency Standards of Practice
                                    and Ethics as professional and client
                                    protections. These may offer your future
                                     legal protections and give clients
                                        professional assurances.

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