Page 173 - 2022 Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI)
P. 173
PI Standards - Licensed and Unlicensed 06/03/2022
Standards of Practice
Advertising (was required)
Do not suggest any law enforcement affiliation;
Do not have a vehicle suggesting law enforcement;
Do not use / wear any uniform or badge suggesting law
*Do not present false or misrepresented qualifications,
responsibilities, subject matters, or assignments; and
*Do not use false, misleading or deceptive advertising.
*Should be included in your Ethics
It is strongly recommended developing these
as your agency Standards of Practice as
professional and client protections.
Standards of Practice
Other Standards and Compliance (was required)
Have all permits for business, including carrying a firearm (a
PI license is not a CCW);
*Do not give any advice, or act, of illegal conduct;
*Have all applicable local, state, and federal laws and
*Do not deny any person services by discrimination;
*Be truthful in all statements, reports, and testimony – and
include all relevant and pertinent information in statements,
reports, and testimony;
*Should be in your Ethics
It is strongly recommended developing these
as your agency Standards of Practice as
professional and client protections.
Standards of Practice
Other Standards and Compliance (was required)
*Not knowingly engaged or associated with any illicit practice
or business;
*Not knowingly violate a court order or injunction;
*Not knowingly disclose the location of a person protected
by a court order (this includes any information which may
lead to the disclosure – i.e. personal indentifiers, address
history, etc.); and
*Not engage in incompetent practice or outside acceptable practices and
standards of the industry.
*Should be in your Ethics
It is strongly recommended developing these
as your agency Standards of Practice as
professional and client protections.