Page 168 - 2022 Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI)
P. 168

PI Standards - Licensed and Unlicensed                                                                    06/03/2022

                          Links to Colorado
                    PI Laws, Rules & Regulations
               DORA Office of Private Investigator Licensing
                (has links to all forms, laws, rules & regulations)
               Private Investigators Practice Act
               Private Investigator Rules and Regulations
               Director's Position Statements

                 These are still posted – copy to develop your Standards


                    Why License / Regulate PIs?

              The purpose of mandatory licensing was to
              provide for the missing mechanism of a single
              point of contact for licensing, reporting,
              compliance, complaints, enforcement and
              disciplinary action. Title protection also existed in
              the program and was not an issue with continuing
              or discontinuing any program.

                            This ends 08/31/2021


                    Why License / Regulate PIs?

              Prior to licensing there was limited data of harm –
              not just financial – to the public and consumer.
              There were no contracts protecting the
              investigator and consumer, bond protecting the
              consumer, work-product confidentiality, client
              communication protections, protections conflict
              of interest, and other now codified standards of
                      This state consumer ends 08/31/2021
              It is recommended continuing in your Standards as protection


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