Page 172 - 2022 Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI)
P. 172
PI Standards - Licensed and Unlicensed 06/03/2022
Standards of Practice
Conflicts of Interest
There must be reasonable steps to determine potential
Only one party is the client – unless disclosed and agreed by
both parties;
Compensation from only one party (contracted) – unless
disclosed and agreed by both parties, or court order.
Any conflict must be avoided, and disclosed to the client.
This includes personal interests making loyalty to the client and best
interests unavoidable.
Licensed or not - a conflict of interest must
be avoided. It is strongly recommended
developing these as your agency Standards
of Practice as professional and client
Standards of Practice
Confidentiality (seek legal advice)
Unless otherwise provided by law or regulation:
All cases were confidential and for the client’s (not PI’s) use
only (now – only if an attorney is the client – state in your contract!);
Specify only the client may waive confidentiality (in writing);
A valid and enforceable subpoena or summons to the PI may
waive confidentiality;
Confidentiality did not prohibit professional practices review
by DORA; and
PI may use confidential information as a defense in a claim
against them.
It is strongly recommended developing these
as your agency Standards of Practice as
professional and client protections.
Standards of Practice
Recordkeeping Recommendations (was required)
Separate files for each client, for minimum of 7 years from
Secured from unauthorized access, loss or destruction
(includes paper or cloud);
All contracts and agreements (and exhibits to them – i.e. fee
Date of start (and end);
Any written final report (suggest a memorandum to file for verbal
reports); and
Timesheet and activities conducted, including expenses.
Readily accessible – available within 10 days of a request.