Page 170 - 2022 Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI)
P. 170

PI Standards - Licensed and Unlicensed                                                                    06/03/2022

                    Why License / Regulate PIs?

              One primary purpose of licensing, in the area of public
              harm and consumer protection, was to codify certain
              criminal histories as being prohibiting factors to being

              A pre-existing statute requires DORA to evaluate criminal
              histories and give preference to granting a conditional
              license over denying a license. This has been done, and
              demonstrates this effectiveness.

               It is strongly recommended to get licensed in another state to
                        demonstrate a clear background.

                        Standards of Practice

              The legislative mandate of PI licensing to DORA
              was Consumer Protection / Public Harm… this
              also protected our profession and the PI with:
               Contracts
               Reports
               Conflicts of Interest
               Confidentiality
               Recordkeeping
               Advertising      It is strongly recommended developing these
                                  as your agency Standards of Practice as
                                   professional and client protections.


                        Standards of Practice

               Contracts
                 A contract was required, except:
                   An emergency when services are required and no time before
                    conducting the services (one should be executed ASAP);
                   Services for an attorney;
                   Services for another licensed PI; or
                   Services for an insurance company.
                 A contract, letter of engagement, fee schedule or other
                  documentation of the assignment is recommended. For
                  continuing clients, an annual disclosure or case specific.

                                 It is strongly recommended developing these
                                  as your agency Standards of Practice as
                                   professional and client protections.


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