Page 3 - 2022 Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI)
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The 2021-2022 Board
                       WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE PPIAC CHAIR                                     Jennifer Brown
                                                                                                  Board Chairperson
                                                                                                John Morris
            Hello and welcome to PPIAC’s CIDI training for Spring 2022! As the                     Cassandra Papp
                                                                                                 V. P. Membership
            Chair of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado,            Tarik Ocon
                                                                                                 V.P. Training
            I am honored to serve you and our profession. Since 1978, PPIAC has                 Robert Garza
                                                                                                 V.P. Legislative Affairs
            been on the forefront of the investigation industry in Colorado by                  Beth Courrau
            advocating for its members and providing outstanding training and                   Robin Brown
            networking opportunities. The training you are attending today was                  Kate Malapanes
                                                                                                 Senior At Large
            created by our members to give you a broad look at the profession and               Rachel Roberts
                                                                                                 Senior At Large
            to perhaps spark an interest in a specific field of investigations.                 Mike Depew
                                                                                                 Senior At Large
                                                                                                Stephen Pease
            Over the last decade, PPIAC has become well known on the national                    Assoc. Director at Large

            scene due to our members’ hard work in getting licensing, as well as
            our renowned training opportunities. This is the most collegial,                   Past Presidents
                                                                                                Gene Johnson 1978-79
            welcoming professional association I’ve ever been a part of and I’m                 Don Sebesta 1979-80
                                                                                                Ray Pezolt 1980-81
            proud to continue upholding the standards that PPIAC has set. Many of               Arnold Miller 1981-82
                                                                                                Gene Johnson 1982-83
            our members are experts in our field and have held the highest of                   Antonia O’Brien 1983-84
                                                                                                Troy Marsh 1984-85
            leadership positions in national and international associations. Simply             Dale Wunderlich 1985-86
                                                                                                Robert Heales 1986-87
            put, you are part of an outstanding group of investigators.                         Ken Deshaies 1987-88
                                                                                                Jeanie Brooks 1988-89
                                                                                                Steven Snyder 1989-90
                                                                                                Jane Cracraft 1990-91
            During the next two days, you will learn from the best Colorado has to              Bill Huffer 1991-92
                                                                                                Tom Miller 1992-93
                                                                                                Paul Bertrand 1993-94
            offer. Even if you don’t think you’ll be interested in a certain topic, you         Bay Adams 1994-95
                                                                                                Chris Bray 1995-96
            will still learn different skills and tips that will benefit you in your practice.   Steve Koenig 1996-97
                                                                                                Marvin Adams 1997-98
            I encourage you to be an active participant, ask a lot of questions, and            Stan Miller 1998-99
                                                                                                Kathy Waesche 1999-2000
            get to know other attendees. PPIAC members and presenters are here                  D.J. Hemstedt 2000-2001
                                                                                                Andy Kindred 2001-2002
            for you, and we look forward to helping you in your investigative career.           Stephanie Archer-Dickerson
            We hope this will help you develop a basic understanding of this                    Rick Johnson, 2004-2006
                                                                                                John McFarlane, 2007-2008
            rewarding and noble profession. Thank you for attending!                            Denny Moses, 2009-2010
                                                                                                Robert Orozco 2010-2012
                                                                                                Steve Davis 2012-2014
                                                                                                Ryan Johnston 2014-2018
                                                                                                Andrea Orozco 2018-2020
                                                                                                Rodney Gagnon 2020-2022
            Jennifer Brown, J.D., CLI
            PPIAC Chair

                                             Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado
                                     3800 Buchtel Boulevard., #102722, Denver, CO 80250
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