Page 1 - PPIAC Newsletter August September 2021
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Index:                                                  MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR

                                            Conference vendors are friends, not foes.
       Chair’s Message

                                            If you're attending our conference at the end of the month, please read this. The men and
                                            women who pay PPIAC to set up a vendor table at our conference are interested in meeting
       V.P. of Membership Update            and talking to each one of the attendees. Our vendors are there to try and generate new
                                            customers. Their paid participation also helps keep your cost of conference attendance in the

                                            $200 range instead of double or triple that amount. Conference venue rentals, setup &
       V.P. of Training Update              breakdown fees, and food & beverage costs at hotels are not cheap.

                                            Maybe you've felt wary of approaching conference vendors due to a fear of getting pressured
                                            by them to buy a product or sign up for a service. That is not how our vendors operate. They
       2021 Conference Schedule
                                            will probably ask for an email address before ending your conversation. They do that so they
                                            can initiate follow-up or include you in their marketing campaigns. Again, that is not a secret.
                                            Vendors are trying to sell products or services, but they are also interested in forming
       Conference Speaker Spotlight
                                            relationships. If their product or service is not right for you, you may know someone else -
                                            now, or in the future - who could benefit from an introduction.

       Member News                          I avoid the worry of an Inbox overflowing with email from vendors by using several email
                                            addresses. I have one for friends and family, which I never share with anyone in my
                                            professional life. I have one that I only give to people who pay me to do work for them.
                                            That's my primary work email and I check it in the morning, at lunch, and at the end of every
                                            workday. I have another address that is for work-related matters that don't generate
                                            revenue, like vendors I meet at conferences or companies from which I make necessary work
                                            purchases. That's my secondary work email and I check it a couple of times a week. I also
                                            have a tertiary address that I use when I want to do something like download a white paper,
                                            but the site won't let me do so without providing an email address. I rarely look at that inbox
                                            unless I need to.

                                            We have 100% control over how much access vendors have to us, as well as how much
                                            contact we have after meeting them. It might be good for all of us to consider what our
                                            business would be like if we had to regularly travel to different cities and pay hundreds of
                                            dollars in each place to set up a table outside a ballroom and hope to talk with prospective
                                            customers. Hope is not a tactic, and I'm glad that's not what I have to do to get new business
                                            in the door.

            September 24-25, 2021           Prepare in advance however you choose, but please remember that vendors are our allies.
            Denver Marriott West            Please spend a few minutes with each of them in Golden and listen to what they have to
                  Golden, CO                say. Even if you don't think you want or need what they provide, thank them for showing

                                            up at our conference. It will be time well spent from both sides of the table.
                                            Sam Petitto, PPIAC Chair
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