Page 5 - PPIAC Newsletter August September 2021
P. 5


                                                            TRAINING UPDATE

                                       September 24, 2021 is the Rocky Mountain Investigator Conference
                                       which will be held at the Denver Marriott West in Golden. This will be our
                                       first in-person conference since 2019, and we couldn’t be more excited!
                                       Our theme is "Back in the Saddle Again!"

                                       Come join us! We're having Ray Pezolt - founder of PPIAC - talk to us

                                       about the history of the Pinkertons. Those of you that have not heard this
                                       presentation of Ray's are in for a real treat!

                                       We've got JP Moore speaking on ethics and the latest in the laws that may
                                       have an impact on cases.

                                       We've got Jennifer Cassell speaking about legislation that will have an impact

                                       on our profession.
                                       We have a live database demo from Victor Quesada, of SkopeNow who, by
                                       the way, has kindly sponsored our Cocktail Hour!
                                       We have PI Gear showing us the latest gear and gadgets.

                                       The next day, we've got Gene Ferraro explaining how to "Sell the
                                       intangible" and succeed with our businesses. Ellis Armistead is going to talk
                                       about avoiding the dreaded burnout in his talk "Self-preservation in a

                                       Chaotic Profession" and we have Rachel Roberts walking us through

                                       "Murder of Suicide? A case study in Investigator - Timeline Testimony."
                                       We've also got: Vendors, a Conference Magazine (pdf, if you want, you can
                                       print it out before you arrive), the best Hospitality Suite (run by our own

                                       Heather Cohen), a Cocktail party, networking, prizes, and an all-around

                                       great time! What are you waiting for? Members register now for $200 and

                                       reserve your room at the special conference rate. Here is the link:


                                       Tan Smyth
                                       VP of Training
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