Page 4 - PPIAC Newsletter August September 2021
P. 4
Welcome our newest members of PPIAC!
James McGuiness, Senior Member
Nova Schroeder, Senior Member
Jordan Smith, Senior Member
More information about each of our members can be found on our website.
Please contact me if you need assistance with updates or changes to your
membership profile.
Beginning with the September/October edition, members will begin to receive
their print and digital subscriptions of PI Magazine at the end of August.
PI Magazine is published every other month. Co-editor, Nicole Cusanelli and I
will have monthly contact concerning membership renewals to maintain an up-to-
date list. She will prorate the subscription for members whose increased
membership fee will not be billed until their next renewal date (members who
renewed prior to July 15, 2021).
Nicole will submit a quarterly bill to PPIAC for the prorated amount. She will
refund our members who have independently paid for a subscription.
Cassandra Papp
VP of Membership