Page 3 - PPIAC Newsletter Apr-May 2022
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                                           John Morris

                                       Greetings to all PPIAC Members! I want to first thank everyone for such a

                                       warm welcome back to the PPIAC Board of Directors. And, I want to thank

                                       the Board, and each of you, for entrusting me with the opportunity to serve

                                       the community once again as your President.

                                       2022 will be WONDERFUL, AMAZING, and a year to honestly remember for

                                       PPIAC. I am trying to wrap my head around everything we have going on,

                                       and it truly amazes me what this Board has got in the works this year.

                                       The 2022 Rocky Mountain Investigators Conference is going to be

                                       awesome! We have a great venue picked out, and we are working on the

                                       final details of the conference as I write this up. To ensure you won't miss

                                       out, you will want to reserve these dates in your calendar (September 15,

                                       2022, through September 17, 2022).

                                       Training events are being planned and scheduled throughout the year, so

                                       keep an eye out for those announcements. Now let me ask you a HUGE

                                       question? What do you NOT know about as a Private Investigator that you
                                       want to know more about?

                                       As the old saying goes, "You don't know what you don't know." So, if there

                                       is anything you want to know more about, any specialty area of

                                       investigations, even if you may never go into that field of investigations, let

                                       us know. Send an email to, and our committee will look

                                       and see what we can do to get that training for you.

                                       Speaking of training, check out the details about the 2022 CIDI (Colorado

                                       Investigative Development Institute) classes. We have two days lined up to

                                       help all new investigators, those desiring to be investigators, and yes, even
                                       veteran PI's who just want a refresher on topics such as PI Law, Ethics,

                                       Business Basics and Marketing, Skip Tracing, Interviewing, Surveillance, and

                                       a whole lot more! Keep your eyes peeled for more details on CIDI 2022!

                                       Continued on next page

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