Page 9 - PPIAC Newsletter Apr-May 2022
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Interested in Advertising With Us?

                                             The Informant is published in February,

                                                  April, June, August, October, and


                                           Full Page                            $150 per issue

                                           Half Page                            $75 per issue

                                           Quarter Page                         $50 per issue

                                           Business Card Size   $25 per issue

                                           Advertising deadlines are the 20  of the month of
                                           publication.  Any  advertising  submitted  should

                                           include the appropriate fee as well as the graphics.
                                           All advertisements and claims made are the sole

                                           responsibility  of  the  advertisers.  Please  make

                                           checks  payable  to  PPIAC  and  mail  them  to  the
                                           Newsletter  Committee  at  3800  Buchtel  Blvd.,

                                           #102722, Denver, CO 80250. All other inquiries
                                           and         articles         can        be         emailed           to


                                            Classified listings are free to PPIAC members and

                                            should be related to the investigations industry

                                            or to support related office administration. Non-
                                            members pay $1.00 per word and there is a 15-

                                            word minimum charge. Please send your
                                            classified listing to

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