Page 58 - PPIAC 2021 - Annual Conference Presentation Materials 1_Neat
P. 58

The modern PI is used across various industries today and comes with a variety of
          specialties and unique experiences. One day you might be working on an insurance
          claim, the next an international brand protection case, then you find yourself alongside

          law enforcement on a missing person’s case, and now you’re working on an
          embezzlement case. It’s vast, competitive, never boring, demands constant learning,
          and is always challenging. Whether an investigation is conducted mostly digitally or in
          the field, and everything in between, results are still king, reputation is everything, and

          to be successful at both you’re going to need the right tool for the right job. With
          Skopenow, we have all of that and more.

          Find me at my keyboard on any given day and you’ll see I have access to hundreds of
          OSINT tools and websites. It can be a chore to keep them organized and a headache to

          remember the exact tool needed for the right circumstance. Skopenow, software built
          on automated intelligence, allows investigators to cross-examine data with the press of
          a button. A task like data mining once took me hours on manual searches, but now is

          completed within a span of a few minutes. Find a profile match for the subject? Click a
          button to not only keep the profile, but clean up the data so it is more precise,
          eliminating false positives. Skopenow provides a simple solution to data mining and
          clean-up, so more resources are put into analyzing the data and churning out quality


          Social media is dynamic data, meaning it can be manipulated. In order to show the
          captured data hasn’t been manipulated by the investigator, you need to have metadata.
          The metadata proves you haven’t tampered with the evidence. This is a significant part

          of ensuring your report will survive the fiery furnace of court. Once the blaze burns, will
          your report be turned into a diamond or a lump of ash? None of the paid databases or
          tools, like Pipl and Spokeo, offer you an on/off toggle switch for metadata like

          Skopenow does. Nor do they have the archiving features of an e-discovery software,
          enabling you to capture photos and download vital video, like Skopenow does. The
          versatility of Skopenow allows it to be head-and-shoulders above the normal suite of
          tools PIs are used to.
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